Thursday 7 October 2010

I have gone past caring whether I can do this or not ... the older I get the more the saying "jump in the deep end" applies.

As The Husband says "It is what it is" - a phrase that used to annoy me to the point of almost blacking out (I say that just in case one day I do go too far and do him a serious injury .. I will plead temporary insanity or a red mist descending).

This is what it is ... me talking to myself - AGAIN.

There is only so much conversation that you can have with cats that proves in any way satisfactory.

"Dinner" gets a favourable response.

"Off" and "Out" are usually met with total boredom and eventual return to cat-pretend sleep.

I say pretend because they are not really asleep - only lying in wait for my attention to drop, then they
will fling themselves at my feet for the joy of seeing me doing a hop,skip and jump the full length of the living room floor attempting to avoid serious breakages of bones that would have me laid up in hospital for weeks and weeks.

Not that I would mind if HOUSE were my doctor .... so - what is it about Bad Boys that is so attractive?

Of course - they are NOT attractive in real life ... but like I said - DON'T PUT ME IN THE REAL WORLD JUST YET ....... I'm just not prepared.